Various Artists - Trojan Upsetter Singles Box Set Volume 4

Disc 1
1. Alpha and Omega - Dennis Alcapone,
2. Beat Down Babylon (King Alpha) - Junior Byles, , The Upsetters
3. Example, Pt. 1 - The Upsetters, , Winston Wright
4. Example, Pt. 2 - The Upsetters, , Winston Wright
5. Mighty Cloud of Joy - Lloyd Parks
6. Mighty Cloud Version - Lloyd Parks, The Upsetters
7. Bet You Don't Know - Soul Avengers
8. Babylon Chapter 5 - The Upsetters
9. Wonder Man - Dennis Alcapone, Dave Barker,
10. Africa Stand (Place Called Africa Verse 5) - Dennis Alcapone,
11. Give Me Power No. 2 - King Iwah, The Stingers
12. Public Enemy Number One - Max Romeo
13. He Who Feels It
14. He Who Feels It (Chapter 2) - The Upsetters
15. Black Man's Time - Neville Grant
16. Black Supreme - Ansel Collins, , The Upsetters
17. French Connection - Lee "Scratch" Perry, The Upsetters
18. French Connection (Chapter 2) - Lee "Scratch" Perry, The Upsetters
19. Babylon Burning - Maxie, Niney & Scratch, Niney the Observer,
20. To Be Your Lover - Soul Avengers
21. (Festival) Da Da - Junior Byles,
22. da Version - Lee "Scratch" Perry, The Upsetters
23. Master Key - Dennis Alcapone,

Disc 2
1. Keyhole - Dennis Alcapone, , The Upsetters
2. Back Biter - Dennis Alcapone, , Lee "Scratch" Perry
3. Back Biter (Version) [Version] - Dennis Alcapone, , Lee "Scratch" Perry, The Upsetters
4. Whiplash
5. Whiplash, Pt. 2 - The Upsetters
6. Natty Natty - Alva Lewis,
7. Natty Natty Version - Alva Lewis, , The Upsetters
8. Keep on Moving - Bob Marley, Bob Marley,
9. African Herbsman - Bob Marley, Bob Marley,
10. One Love, One Heart - Righteous Flames
11. Moving Version - Big Youth
12. Water Pump - Lee "Scratch" Perry
13. Pumping Version - Lee "Scratch" Perry, The Upsetters
14. Preacher Man - The Stingers
15. Preacher Version - The Stingers, , The Upsetters
16. Puss-See-Hole - Lee "Scratch" Perry, The Upsetters
17. Want to Be Loved - Winston Groovy,
18. Jungle Lion - Lee "Scratch" Perry, The Upsetters
19. Freak and Skank - Lee "Scratch" Perry, The Upsetters
20. Cow Thief Skank - Charlie Ace, Lee "Scratch" Perry
21. Seven & Three Quarters Skank - Charlie Ace, The Upsetters
22. News Flash - Leo Graham, Leo Graham
23. Flashing Echo - Leo Graham, Leo Graham, The Upsetters
24. Stranger on the Shore - David Isaacs
25. John Devour - Dillinger

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